Back Ikarus

Old Sites

"Original sites, so long as they still stand"

These sites concern themselves with strange and curious natural observations, accumulated over the years and running against the usual grain. With alternative proposals.

Historical stuff, not always up to date.

Go! Tracing The Continental Drift

Crazy Geomorphology. With maps and animations. (Takes a bit)

What is driving the continents adrift? And are they really moving EAST?

Go! Gravity

& The Second Law of Thermodynamics

And why you should not ignore it

Go! Life and Breath of the Dinosaur

Life and Breath of the Dinosaur Archaeopteryx

Why did it live? And where did it live?

Go! The Aquatic Ape Theory

Revolution of Evolution - The Aquatic Ape Theory - AAT.

Apes and humans. How and where did we evolve?

Go! Egyptian Pyramids

The Secret of the Pyramids

How the pyramids were built - With pictures and animations.


Go! Climate history

Climate Change since the Ice Age. With maps, in German.

And links to further pages.

- translated by Google

Go! Paraphernalia

Die Zerlegung von Zeit und Raum in jeweils 360 Teile; prinzipielle Genauigkeit gegen beliebige.

Zur uralten Aufteilung eines Ganzen in 360 Grad / 60 Minuten mit Zirkel und Lineal als Universalinstrumente zur Raum- und Zeiteinteilung, mit der 60 (fünf Dutzend) als Zahlenbasis und Kreisteilungen von 12.

Go! Making a paper boat


TO JUNK: youtube
